Omnifocus 3 how to duplicate a task
Omnifocus 3 how to duplicate a task

According to The Omni Group, this is great for important items that don't have explicit dates and daily rituals. Once you set a Forecast Tag, you can quickly tag items with gesture controls - specifically, a left-to-right swipe.

omnifocus 3 how to duplicate a task

  • Forecast Tag: In Forecast's View Options, you can select a tag to display in your Today section.
  • Interleaved Forecast: Your Forecast now appears as rows interleaved with your actions in chronological order, giving you a better picture of exactly when in your day you should be getting things done.
  • To choose which items to hide and which to show, you just tap "Customize Inspector" and drag 'em around.
  • Customizable Inspector: OmniFocus now hides most fields in the inspector, or the little section where you can view the details of a specific item you've selected, by default so you don't have any extra info clouding your vision.
  • You can now be notified "at the time an item is Deferred Until or Due, or at the latest time you should start (Due time minus estimated duration)." You can also throw those rules out the window and set your own customized notifications at completely arbitrary times.
  • Flexible Notifications: Afraid you're going to forget something? Fear not: OmniFocus 3 supports several new notification types.
  • The app now boasts day-of-week and day-of-month intervals for all repeat types.

    omnifocus 3 how to duplicate a task

  • "Fancy" Repeats: Because OmniFocus offers a bunch of different options for repeating tasks, the developer has adjusted the UI to make it easier to find the type of repeat you're looking for.
  • Batch Editing: You can edit multiple items simultaneously in Edit mode.
  • You can choose to show a left sidebar or a right inspector, and both can be "pinned" to the screen so that they won't go anywhere.
  • Multi-Pane Mode: On bigger devices like the iPad, OmniFocus now offers a three-pane view so you can see more of your content all at once.
  • Once added, you can drag the filter rules around to re-arrange them. They're built from filter rules and allow multiple tag selection, AND/OR/NOT groupings and nesting, and, and I quote, "lots of other cool stuff." This just makes it easier to see the tasks you need to be focusing on in specific situations.
  • Perspectives: Perspectives created in OmniFocus 3 are basically like filters for your tasks.
  • You can even add tags based on how much energy it will take you to complete a task, which is incredible for individuals with disabilities who plan their day-to-day activities based on the spoon theory.

    omnifocus 3 how to duplicate a task

    You can assign tags to anything, and create them based on person, priority, location - pretty much whatever you can think of. Tags: What used to be Contexts in the older version of the app is now Tags.

    Omnifocus 3 how to duplicate a task full#

    Here's the full list of cool new features OmniFocus 3 offers, according to the company:

    Omnifocus 3 how to duplicate a task